Wednesday, January 22, 2014

80 s hairstyles

80 s hairstyles were all about getting your hair premed and messed up as some people liked to say back then. To get a full blown spiked look like the 80 s hairstyles wash your hair and apply liberal amounts of hair mousse on your hair. After this blow dry your hair with a round brush from your scalp to roots. If you have short hair, use a good deal of gel to create spikes in your hair. However, if you have long hair bend your head and through your hair over. Now run your fingers through your hair to get a wild look. Now apply some hair spray to retain this look.

Crimped look was very in fashion among the 80 s hairstyles.  Crimped hairdo is achieved by using a crimped iron. It is quiet similar to a straightening iron but has tightly spaced wavy steel plates. Like the straightening iron the crimped iron meant damaging your hair a great deal .But when something is in fashion than women have a hard time avoiding it.

Before using any crimping iron it is important that you use a heat protection serum so that your hair suffers from minimum damage. Use a crimping iron on an inch thick strand of your hair step by step pausing on one section for roughly about five seconds each. Keep the heat of crimping iron as less as possible to avoid any damage to your hair. It was also common among the 80 s hairstyles to styles you bang at the crown in a spikes like fashion and leave the rest of the hair idly blow dried on your shoulders. For this 80s hairstyle use liberal amounts of gel on your bangs and run your hands through them as spiked bangs. The rest of the hair should be blow dried placidly with a brush without much bother.

Women loved wearing bows on their heads at their crown as a hip 80s hairstyles. The thought it went well with the rock n roll concept pf the time. Many films had actresses wearing this 80s hairstyle when they wanted to look the part of a high school girl in love with Bon Jovi and Abba. However, nowadays there has been a slight change though head bands are still in they have become more sophisticated and subtle in the three decades since the 80s.

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